Monday 11 April 2011

Monday began with a trip to Universal Studios, this time not as sight-seers but as film makers. We took a workshop in digital cinematography at the New York Film Academy, on the Universal lot.

Technically, then, these students have now shot a Hollywood film!

We learned about how to motivate the camera, how different lenses affected the meanings of shots, and how to shoot coverage - all in the California sunshine!

Onwards, then, to Sony Pictures, based at the old MGM Studios lot, in Culver City, with a history including everything from Singin' In The Rain to Wheel Of Fortune.

We toured the studio, tried our hand at acting for camera (with a great debut by Chris Holland as teacher Mr Jones, and a little less success for James McKevitt as 'man who can't convincingly drop a hat on the floor'), walked past the set of Spiderman 4 (and saw Hollywood legend Denis Leary - no photo, though) and found time to pose with another Hollywood legend - the Ghostbusters car!
Tomorrow, we're off to Santa Monica, Venice Beach and then LAX for our flight home...

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