Thursday 14 April 2011

Final day, and we finally went to Los Angeles itself - beginning with a visit to Olvera Street, an ancient (for LA - its about 80 years old) area that is a historic hangover from the time when California was part of Mexico.

The street has an excellent market full of everything you could possibly associate with Mexico - including sombreros, puppets, painted skulls and wrestling masks...

We then had a quick tour of downtown LA, which including the splendid City Hall - too good a photo opportunity to miss!

Onwards, then, to the Pacific coast - the beauty of Santa Monica and its legendary pier (which forms the end of the equally legendary Route 66, a road beginning over 4000 miles away in Chicago). We then drove just a few miles along the coast to Venice Beach, with an entirely different kind of vibe - lots of odd shops run by odd people with odd customers (including the gang below checking out the action at Muscle Beach)

We spent the rest of the day at LAX, and the night and most of the next day flying, and no-one needs to see how tired we were at the end of all that.

The trip was great, the students behaved amazingly - I lost count of the number of strangers who approached me to say how well behaved and polite they were - and hopefully these are a few days no-one will forget!

Monday 11 April 2011

Monday began with a trip to Universal Studios, this time not as sight-seers but as film makers. We took a workshop in digital cinematography at the New York Film Academy, on the Universal lot.

Technically, then, these students have now shot a Hollywood film!

We learned about how to motivate the camera, how different lenses affected the meanings of shots, and how to shoot coverage - all in the California sunshine!

Onwards, then, to Sony Pictures, based at the old MGM Studios lot, in Culver City, with a history including everything from Singin' In The Rain to Wheel Of Fortune.

We toured the studio, tried our hand at acting for camera (with a great debut by Chris Holland as teacher Mr Jones, and a little less success for James McKevitt as 'man who can't convincingly drop a hat on the floor'), walked past the set of Spiderman 4 (and saw Hollywood legend Denis Leary - no photo, though) and found time to pose with another Hollywood legend - the Ghostbusters car!
Tomorrow, we're off to Santa Monica, Venice Beach and then LAX for our flight home...

Sunday 10 April 2011

Sunday, and the California sun finally did its job, creating lots of burnt foreheads during our day at Universal Studios.

We started the day with a tram tour of the studio's backlot, complete with props and sets from a few famous films - recognise any of these?

I tried to take better photos of the enormous full-size plane crash set from Steven Spielberg's War Of The Worlds, but people's heads kept getting in the way....

We also saw sets from every Western you've ever seen, the court house square from Back To The Future, and, exciting for me if no-one else, the sets used for the European settings of Universal's classic horror films from the 1930s. We also drove down Wisteria Lane - they were shooting Desperate Housewives, but not the outdoor scenes (at least not while we were on tour).

The afternoon was spent taking in the rides and shows of Universal's theme park - The Simpson's ride was a particular favourite of the students.

We then trouped off to an IMAX screening of Sucker Punch at Universal Citywalk - the film got a mixed reaction, but the experience of the huge screen seemed to be a winner with all concerned.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Off to Hollywood today, first stop the legendary Graumann's Chines Theatre, where we goggled
at the stars in the walk of fame, then goggled even more at the hand and footprints and signatures of the legends on the pavement outside the cinema.

Is it wrong that this was the first print I took a photo of?

The students posing for their Hollywood moment on the steps of The Kodak Theatre, the venue of the Oscars ceremony. The staircase is specially designed so that women in heels and ball gowns can climb effortlessly and elegantly up it!

On then to Beverly Hills, the most ridiculously expensive shops in the world, and the most beautifully-kept street in the world - Rodeo Drive.

Needless to say, we didn't spend too much time or money here - not when the amazing views from outside the Griffith Observatory are available for free!

We finished the day at the Hard Rock Cafe at Universal Citywalk - we'll be back here again tomorrow for the Universal studio tour and theme park.

Friday 8 April 2011

LA Day One

Arrived at LAX safe and well if a bit tired after 11 hours on the plane, then checked in to the hotel and ate some fantastic burgers at Twain's diner before early nights all round.

A chilly but bright start to Friday, back to Twain's for some excellent breakfasts including lots of pancakes and lots of satisfied customers!

Next, a tour of Warner Bros studio - a trip round the set of 'The Mentalist', some famous cars, Harry Potter costumes and a photocall on the 'Friends' set as well as a look at the magic of the studios.
Tonight, a meal at Bubba Gump's, then a tour of the city in the morning. It's non-stop LA!

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Film and Media students on their way to LA!

24 Film and Media students are leaving Preston for Los Angeles for one week in April - starting Thursday 7th (at 4am!)
Check back to see how they get on...